Produkt zum Begriff Database:
Recipes for Continuous Database Integration: Evolutionary Database Development (Digital Short Cut)
This is the eBook version of the printed book.The past few years have seen the rise of agile or evolutionary methods in software development. These methods embrace change in requirements even late in the project. The ability to change software is because of certain practices that are followed within teams, such as Test Driven Development, Pair Programming, and Continuous Integration. Continuous Integration provides a way for software teams to integrate their work more than once a day, and promotes confidence in the software that is being developed by the team. It is thought that this practice is difficult to apply when continuously integrating the database with application code; hence, Evolutionary Database Development is considered a mismatch with agile methods. Pramod Sadalage shows that this is not necessarily true. Continuous Integration changed the way software is written. Why not extend and make the database part of the same Continuous Integration cycle so that you can see integrated results of your application as well as your database? Delivered in PDF format for quick and easy access, Recipes for Continuous Database Integration shows how the database can be brought under the preview of Continuous Integration, allowing all teams to integrate not only their application code, but also their database. This Short Cut presents a recipe for each task that needs to be done. Each recipe starts with a statement of a problem, followed by an explanation and solution. It provides concrete ways and examples to implement ideas in Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design by Scott W Ambler and Pramod Sadalage. Table of Contents What This Short Cut Covers Introduction Recipe 1 Continuously Integrating? Recipe 2 Extracting Your Database in Scripts Recipe 3 Using Version Control for Your Database Recipe 4 Automating Database or Schema Creation Recipe 5 Creating Objects in Your Database Recipe 6 Removing Database Objects Recipe 7 Removing Your Database Recipe 8 Using the Build Property Files Recipe 9 Re-Creating Your Application Database for Any Build Recipe 10 Making It Easy for New Developers to Join the Team Recipe 11 Integrating on Every Check-In Recipe 12 Naming Upgrade Scripts Recipe 13 Automating Database Change Script Creation Recipe 14 Implementing Database Version Checking Recipe 15 Sending Upgrades to Customers Sample Code Further Reading About the Author What’s in the Companion Book Related Publication
Preis: 5.34 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Android Database Best Practices
Battle-Tested Strategies for Storing, Managing, and Sharing Android Data “Android™ Database Best Practices goes well beyond API documentation to offer strategic advice about how to handle data in an Android application and the tools needed to develop productively. This arms the developer with a trove of solutions to nearly any problem an application may face involving data. Mastering the concepts in this book are therefore essential for any developer who wants to create professional Android applications.” –Greg Milette, Android developer, Gradison Technologies, Inc. This is the first guide to focus on one of the most critical aspects of Android development: how to efficiently store, retrieve, manage, and share information from your app’s internal database. Through real-world code examples, which you can use in your own apps, you’ll learn how to take full advantage of SQLite and the database-related classes on Android. A part of Addison-Wesley’s Android™ Deep Dive series for experienced Android developers, Android Database Best Practices draws on Adam Stroud’s extensive experience leading cutting-edge app projects. Stroud reviews the core database theory and SQL techniques you need to efficiently build, manipulate, and read SQLite databases. He explores SQLite in detail, illuminates Android’s APIs for database interaction, and shares modern best practices for working with databases in the Android environment. Through a complete case study, you’ll learn how to design your data access layer to simplify all facets of data management and avoid unwanted technical debt. You’ll also find detailed solutions for common challenges in building data-enabled Android apps, including issues associated with threading, remote data access, and showing data to users. Extensive, up-to-date sample code is available for download at You will Discover how SQLite database differs from other relational databasesUse SQL DDL to add structure to a database, and use DML to manipulate dataDefine and work with SQLite data typesPersist highly structured data for fast, efficient accessMaster Android classes for create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations and database queriesShare data within or between apps via content providersMaster efficient UI strategies for displaying data, while accounting for threading issuesUse Android’s Intents API to pass data between activities when starting a new activity or serviceAchieve two-way communication between apps and remote web APIsManage the complexities of app-to-server communication, and avoid common problemsUse Android’s new Data Binding API to write less code and improve performance
Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Database Concepts, Global Edition
For undergraduate database management students or business professionals Here’s practical help for understanding, creating, and managing small databases—from two of the world’s leading database authorities. Database Concepts by David Kroenke and David Auer gives undergraduate database management students and business professionals alike a firm understanding of the concepts behind the software, using Access 2013 to illustrate the concepts and techniques. Three projects run throughout the text, to show students how to apply the concepts to real-life business situations. The text provides flexibility for choosing the software instructors want to use in class; allows students to work with new, complete databases, including Wedgewood Pacific Corporation, Heather Sweeney Designs, and Wallingford Motors; and includes coverage for some of the latest information on databases available. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Database Systems: The Complete Book
For Database Systems and Database Design and Application courses offered at the junior, senior and graduate levels in Computer Science departments. Written by well-known computer scientists, this introduction to database systems offers a comprehensive approach, focusing on database design, database use, and implementation of database applications and database management systems. The first half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the database designer, user, and application programmer. It covers the latest database standards SQL:1999, SQL/PSM, SQL/CLI, JDBC, ODL, and XML, with broader coverage of SQL than most other texts. The second half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the DBMS implementor. It focuses on storage structures, query processing, and transaction management. The book covers the main techniques in these areas with broader coverage of query optimisation than most other texts, along with advanced topics including multidimensional and bitmap indexes, distributed transactions, and information integration techniques. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie kann man die Kundenkommunikation verbessern, um eine bessere Kundenbindung zu erreichen?
1. Durch regelmäßige und persönliche Kommunikation mit den Kunden, um ihre Bedürfnisse und Wünsche besser zu verstehen. 2. Durch schnelle Reaktion auf Anfragen und Beschwerden, um das Vertrauen der Kunden zu stärken. 3. Durch die Nutzung von Feedback und Verbesserungsvorschlägen der Kunden, um ihre Zufriedenheit zu steigern.
Welche Vorteile bieten CRM-Systeme für die effektive Verwaltung von Kundenbeziehungen und die Steigerung der Vertriebseffizienz in Unternehmen?
CRM-Systeme ermöglichen die zentrale Verwaltung von Kundendaten, Interaktionen und Transaktionen, was zu einer verbesserten Kundenbetreuung und -bindung führt. Durch die Automatisierung von Vertriebsprozessen und die Analyse von Kundenverhalten können Unternehmen ihre Vertriebseffizienz steigern und gezieltere Marketingstrategien entwickeln. Die Integration von CRM-Systemen mit anderen Unternehmensanwendungen ermöglicht eine nahtlose Kommunikation zwischen Vertrieb, Marketing und Kundenservice.
Wie kann die Kundenbetreuung verbessert werden, um die Kundenzufriedenheit zu steigern? Was sind die wichtigsten Aspekte der Kundenbetreuung, um langfristige Kundenbeziehungen aufzubauen?
Die Kundenbetreuung kann verbessert werden, indem auf die Bedürfnisse und Anliegen der Kunden eingegangen wird, schnelle Reaktionszeiten gewährleistet sind und ein persönlicher und freundlicher Umgang gepflegt wird. Die wichtigsten Aspekte der Kundenbetreuung sind eine offene Kommunikation, eine individuelle Betreuung, um auf die Bedürfnisse der Kunden einzugehen, und die Schaffung von Vertrauen durch Zuverlässigkeit und Professionalität. Langfristige Kundenbeziehungen können durch regelmäßige Kontaktpflege, die Bereitstellung von Mehrwert für die Kunden und die Lösung von Problemen oder Beschwerden auf eine zufriedenstellende Weise aufgebaut werden.
Wie kann die Kundenverwaltung in verschiedenen Branchen und Unternehmen effektiv gestaltet werden, um eine optimale Kundenbetreuung und -zufriedenheit zu gewährleisten?
Die Kundenverwaltung kann effektiv gestaltet werden, indem ein zentrales Kundenbeziehungsmanagement-System implementiert wird, das es ermöglicht, alle relevanten Informationen über Kunden an einem Ort zu speichern und zu verwalten. Darüber hinaus ist es wichtig, regelmäßige Schulungen für Mitarbeiter durchzuführen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie über die notwendigen Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse verfügen, um Kunden optimal zu betreuen. Außerdem sollten Unternehmen proaktiv auf Kundenfeedback reagieren und ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen entsprechend anpassen, um die Zufriedenheit der Kunden zu gewährleisten. Schließlich ist es wichtig, eine klare Kommunikation mit den Kunden zu pflegen und sie regelmäßig über neue Angebote, Produkte oder Dienstleistungen zu informieren, um ihre Loyalität zu st
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Modern Database Management, Global Edition
For courses in database management. A comprehensive text on the latest in database development Focusing on what leading database practitioners say are the most important aspects to database development, Modern Database Management presents sound pedagogy and topics that are critical for the practical success of database professionals. The 13th Edition updates and expands materials in areas undergoing rapid change as a result of improved managerial practices, database design tools and methodologies, and database technology - such as application security, multi-user solutions, and more - to reflect major trends in the field and the skills required of modern information systems graduates. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design
Refactoring has proven its value in a wide range of development projects–helping software professionals improve system designs, maintainability, extensibility, and performance. Now, for the first time, leading agile methodologist Scott Ambler and renowned consultant Pramodkumar Sadalage introduce powerful refactoring techniques specifically designed for database systems. Ambler and Sadalage demonstrate how small changes to table structures, data, stored procedures, and triggers can significantly enhance virtually any database design–without changing semantics. You’ll learn how to evolve database schemas in step with source code–and become far more effective in projects relying on iterative, agile methodologies. This comprehensive guide and reference helps you overcome the practical obstacles to refactoring real-world databases by covering every fundamental concept underlying database refactoring. Using start-to-finish examples, the authors walk you through refactoring simple standalone database applications as well as sophisticated multi-application scenarios. You’ll master every task involved in refactoring database schemas, and discover best practices for deploying refactorings in even the most complex production environments. The second half of this book systematically covers five major categories of database refactorings. You’ll learn how to use refactoring to enhance database structure, data quality, and referential integrity; and how to refactor both architectures and methods. This book provides an extensive set of examples built with Oracle and Java and easily adaptable for other languages, such as C#, C++, or VB.NET, and other databases, such as DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, and Sybase. Using this book’s techniques and examples, you can reduce waste, rework, risk, and cost–and build database systems capable of evolving smoothly, far into the future.
Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Android Database Best Practices
Battle-Tested Strategies for Storing, Managing, and Sharing Android Data “Android™ Database Best Practices goes well beyond API documentation to offer strategic advice about how to handle data in an Android application and the tools needed to develop productively. This arms the developer with a trove of solutions to nearly any problem an application may face involving data. Mastering the concepts in this book are therefore essential for any developer who wants to create professional Android applications.” –Greg Milette, Android developer, Gradison Technologies, Inc. This is the first guide to focus on one of the most critical aspects of Android development: how to efficiently store, retrieve, manage, and share information from your app’s internal database. Through real-world code examples, which you can use in your own apps, you’ll learn how to take full advantage of SQLite and the database-related classes on Android. A part of Addison-Wesley’s Android™ Deep Dive series for experienced Android developers, Android Database Best Practices draws on Adam Stroud’s extensive experience leading cutting-edge app projects. Stroud reviews the core database theory and SQL techniques you need to efficiently build, manipulate, and read SQLite databases. He explores SQLite in detail, illuminates Android’s APIs for database interaction, and shares modern best practices for working with databases in the Android environment. Through a complete case study, you’ll learn how to design your data access layer to simplify all facets of data management and avoid unwanted technical debt. You’ll also find detailed solutions for common challenges in building data-enabled Android apps, including issues associated with threading, remote data access, and showing data to users. Extensive, up-to-date sample code is available for download at You will Discover how SQLite database differs from other relational databasesUse SQL DDL to add structure to a database, and use DML to manipulate dataDefine and work with SQLite data typesPersist highly structured data for fast, efficient accessMaster Android classes for create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations and database queriesShare data within or between apps via content providersMaster efficient UI strategies for displaying data, while accounting for threading issuesUse Android’s Intents API to pass data between activities when starting a new activity or serviceAchieve two-way communication between apps and remote web APIsManage the complexities of app-to-server communication, and avoid common problemsUse Android’s new Data Binding API to write less code and improve performance
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
Welche Vorteile bietet ein CRM-System für die Verwaltung von Kundenbeziehungen und wie kann es zur Steigerung der Unternehmensperformance beitragen?
Ein CRM-System ermöglicht eine zentrale Verwaltung von Kundeninformationen, Interaktionen und Verkaufschancen. Durch die Automatisierung von Prozessen und die Personalisierung von Kundenkommunikation kann die Effizienz gesteigert und die Kundenzufriedenheit erhöht werden. Dies kann langfristig zu einer verbesserten Kundenbindung, Umsatzsteigerung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Unternehmens führen.
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